Dísus. Ég VERÐ bitur gömul norn!
Seems like you are not in big trouble. Actually,
this result is actually BETTER than average.
You will have a perfect job. You will make a
lot of money. The job that you will have is
being a kind of doctor. You will not marry.
Many (wo)men will like you or did like you in
your college, but you don't think anybody is
good enough for you. You will live in a two-
story house when you are older. Two stories all
for you is good enough for you! You will have
many dinners in your house. The bad news is
that you will be very lonely and sad - perhaps
almost depressed when you are older. Yes, you
will think that money is not everything in your
life. Feel good young man. You will not bald
/*_*\ Your hair will be the same as it is right
now. You will feel that you are one of the
prettiest/handsome (wo)man there is for your
age /*_*\ You will be the over average (wo)man.
In your future, nothing will hurt you. Only
pain on the outside. When you are 87 years old,
you will die of painful cancer.
The Quiz of Luck - What Will Happen In Your Future?
brought to you by Quizilla
Annars, var að fá upphringingu frá eiginkona listamanns, hvers verk ég var að rýna í úttvarpinu síðustu viku. Hún vill fá pistilinn í úrklippusafnið sitt. Maður ætti trúlega að fara að vanda sig eitthvað meira við þetta. Kannski.
Næstsíðasta sýning á Gaukshreiðrinu í kvöld. Lítur út fyrir fullt hús. Samt ekki útlit fyrir að við þurfum að hætta með biðlista og það er nú gott af því að ég nenni alls ekki að hafa aukasýningar. Fólk gat bara öjlast á fyrstu 5 sýningarnar sem allar voru sýndar fyrir hálfum sal. Og hananú.
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