Er að lesa Piscator á milljón en var að koma úr tíma í Brecht-i. Það var alveg hroðalega gaman. Og á köflum er mjög undarlegt að lesa Piscator. Til dæmist þegar maður rekst á textabrot eins og þetta:
But the unfortunate Republicans went on deceiving themselves. They were not guiltless and they added to their own guilt by refusing to recognize their error, by succumbing to their own reactionary convictions and sanctioning the real guilty men later. Bad and stupid, but consistent.
(Erwin Piscator, The Political Theatre, 1929)
Svo las ég brot úr and-andbyltingar áróðursverki, frá ca. 1921 sem heitir Russia's Day. Persónur eru teiknimyndalegar persónugerðir af fyrirbærum:
World Capital: (Dressed in a giant moneybag with a stockbrokers top hat): Silence! (To the Diplomat) Have you given orders for force to be used ruthlessly against anyone who infringes the sacred rights of property? Speak up!
Diplomat: Your Majesty's power embraces the entire world that has been bestowed upon man. But your Majesty's omnipotence is gravely threatened by the masses of workers in their struggle for power.
World Capital: Trample the masses underfoot!
Diplomat: It is clear that freedom for the masses would be the downfall of us all.
World Capital: Downfall? Anybody who is not with me is against me!
Þarna þurfti ég nú bara að fá mér kaffi.
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